Templates & assets
Templates & assets
The following templates and assets are available to UCOP employees:
- Document / Factsheet
- Fax cover sheet
- Flyer
- Icon library
- Memo sheet
- Name tag
- Poster
- PowerPoint
- Report cover
- Wordmark / Logo
If you're part of the broader UC community outside of UCOP and wish to access these resources, please contact the UCOP Marketing Communications team.

Photo library
To view approved photography please visit the UCOP digital asset management system at ucop.webdamdb.com.
All UCOP staff must register before access to the library is granted.
Using existing photography:
- Images may be cropped
- Do not reduce image size to such an extent as to minimize impact
- Allow plenty of white space around the images
- Do not color-correct the images
- Please adhere to the university's terms and conditions
Program logo
When using an Office of the President division, department or program name with the University of California wordmark, the title must appear stacked and seperated from the wordmark as pictured below.
- Units may not use their unit name without University of California appearing in its designated orientation.
- Units within or administered by the Office of the President may not create independent logos unless approval has been granted by Marketing Communications.
Please contact the UCOP Marketing Communications team to request a logo.