Fig. 1

The University of California produces a lot of research each year, but does the average person know or care about it? Do they feel like it impacts their everyday lives?

Fig. 1 is a video series that explores the innovative work being done across the UC system—in a way that’s compelling, playful and digestible (even if you don’t have a Ph.D. in chemistry or neuroscience).

Using animation and graphics, each video breaks down a piece of groundbreaking research. Collectively, the series demonstrates the value of a public research university by showcasing the inquisitive minds and voices of the researchers themselves.

Fig. 1 episodes have been featured in Slate, NY Magazine, Buzzfeed, io9, Gizmodo, and the Daily Mail. The series is made in partnership with Seeker Media.

Fig. 1 episodes


All the seemingly crazy behaviors of teenagers, they aren’t just there to annoy parents – they might serve a real evolutionary purpose.


What makes a jellyfish glow? For scientists, asking that simple question led to a powerful new tool that’s completely transformed medicine (and won the Nobel!)


There’s a reason that insults stick with us longer than compliments — and it may serve an evolutionary purpose.



UCDA 2022: The covid vaccine developed super quickly. Here’s why it’s safe. – Gold
CASE Circle of Excellence 2022: Ready for the next big disaster? – Silver
UCDA 2021: Mind-Bending Research Explained – Gold
UCDA 2020: Fig 1. Series – Excellence
CASE District VII 2019: Your brain is wired for negative thoughts – Silver
CASE Circle of Excellence 2016: News & Research Video – Silver
CASE Circle of Excellence 2015: Squishiness of Cancer Cells – Excellence
UCDA 2014: Fig 1. Series – Silver, Judge’s Choice Award