
Primary colors

Color is a critical institutional identifier. Blue and gold, used by all 10 campuses, comprise the unifying brand element across the system.

For systemwide communications, the University of California’s primary colors are Pantone 299 U (UC Blue) and Pantone 116 U (UC Gold). Secondary blues and golds allow greater flexibility in use while retaining a distinctive systemwide identity. Equivalent formulas for four-color and digital media are noted as well.

UC Blue
Hex 1295D8
PMS 299 U
RGB 18 149 216
CMYK 69 10 0 0
UC Gold
Hex FFB511
PMS 116 U
RGB 255 181 17
CMYK 0 19 100 0

Secondary colors

A flexible, contemporary and extensible secondary color palette can also be used for visual elements such as stripes and gradients; it also provides a more robust palette for publications. By limiting publications to these primary and secondary brand colors, the university can encourage recognition and memorability of the UC brand.

Hex 005581
PMS 302 U
RGB 0 85 129
CMYK 100 25 0 50
Light Blue
Hex 72CDF4
PMS 297 U
RGB 114 205 244
CMYK 49 1 0 0
Hex FFD200
PMS 109 U
RGB 255 210 0
CMYK 0 11 96 0
Light Gold
Hex FFE552
PMS 107 U
RGB 255 229 82
CMYK 0 2 79 0

Tertiary colors

Hex 00778B
PMS 3145 U
RGB 0 119 139
CMYK 100 10 29 20
Light Teal
Hex 00A3AD
PMS 7467 U
RGB 0 163 173
CMYK 97 0 30 0
Hex E44C9A
PMS Rhodamine Red U
RGB 228 76 154
CMYK 11 66 0 0
Light Pink
Hex FEB2E0
PMS 230 U
RGB 255 178 224
CMYK 3 34 0 0
Hex FF6E1B
PMS 172 U
RGB 255 110 27
CMYK 0 58 79 0
Light Orange
Hex FF8F28
PMS 151 U
RGB 255 143 40
CMYK 0 43 91 0
Dark Blue
Hex 002033
PMS 539 U
RGB 0 38 58
CMYK 100 65 22 80
Extra Light Blue
Hex BDE3F6
PMS 290 U
RGB 189 227 246
CMYK 29 0 2 0
Dark Gray
Hex 171717
PMS 20-0200 U
RGB 23 23 23
CMYK 73 67 66 83
Hex 4C4C4C
PMS 172-15 U
RGB 76 76 76
CMYK 60 54 48 52
UC Gray
Hex 7C7E7F
PMS 425 U
RGB 124 126 127
CMYK 25 18 15 51
Warm Gray 8
Hex 8F8884
PMS Warm Gray 8 U
RGB 143 136 132
CMYK 15 20 22 42
Warm Gray 3
PMS Warm Gray 3 U
RGB 190 182 175
CMYK 8 9 11 20
Warm Gray 1
PMS Warm Gray 1 U
RGB 219 213 205
CMYK 2 3 7 8

Color and accessibility

Accessible color contrast for web-based content should reach a minimum of WCAG 2.0 level AA. For an overview of color combinations that meet these requirements, please see our accessible color guide PDF.

For further information regarding UC’s commitment to electronic accessibility please visit the Electronic Accessibility site.